Week by week

Week by week

Friday, September 24, 2010


Not much has been happenin here. We're loving school and things couldn't be better. We had some issues at first, but now that Nathan is back to work and we have our usual routine, things are good. All my hard work of lesson plans all summer is paying off. I absolutely love teaching and learning with the children and watching them learn.

Nathan's car broke down at the beginning of the week and he's been taking the van every day. Not that we go many places anyway, but for some reason we've seemed extra bored this week. Maybe because the weather is so hot. Where is fall?? We celebrated the first day of fall on Wednesday by making homemade bread and dancing to our favorite fall music (John McCutcheon's Autumnsongs.) The day before we made an enormous batch of granola. Maybe some of the good autumn smells will usher it in.

The other reason for making bread is because I haven't been to the store in several weeks so all the back up loaves were eaten up out of the freezer. The girls were happy and eager to help.

Snack time!

I've also been so bored that I decided to clean out the fridge. That and it was so empty that there wasn't anything to cover up all the spills and messes. I realized that a fridge can say a lot about a family. The fridge is bare because it is a one car family and the wife hasn't been able to go to the store. The top shelf is empty because it usually holds 6 gallons of milk on it and there are usually 2 more in the door. The middle shelf has large casserole pans serving a big family. The other middle shelf has leftovers in containers for the husband to take to work (although he forgot his lunch today, so why bother?:) What does your fridge say about you?