After the tropical storm blew through and Nathan got home, we took a family picnic dinner of Taco Bell (the only thing that sounded good to me) to the park to celebrate the surprising news of another baby on the way. The next day I was even more surprised to be called as the 2nd counselor in primary. Since I was having trouble handling my Valiant 9 class, I was overwhelmed at the thought of having to handle the whole primary. It's the first time I felt hesitant about accepting a calling. But so far it's been fun.
CHHS @ Utah Classic
5 days ago
Whoah!! What a great surprise!! Congrats!! I'm glad I read your blog once in a while to keep up on things :) We miss y'all!
Did you just say that you're having another baby??? Wow Marcie- what a surprise!!! Are you excited? How about those kiddos? We have alot of catching up to do! :) Miss you!
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