Our lazy, boring summer is coming to an end. I like to start school at the beginning of August so that we have more time off during the year for things like baptisms, births, family coming, a long Christmas break, and getting out in May. So it's back to school for us. After doing nothing most of the summer, I finally started working on our curriculum and am really excited for the coming year. As Kylie said, each year is better than the last. We're going to do some really fun things this year.
Here are the pictures from our summer, going from most recent back to June.
We went to a sprayground with friends on her birthday too.
One sweet friend brought cookies to celebrate her birthday.
She got a towel, an outfit, and My Little Ponies
I wasn't feeling well that day so Kylie and Lexi made the birthday cake entirely by themselves. It had two layers, the top smaller than the bottom, and gummy worms all over it.
Checking out the new curriculum that came in the mail.
Playing in the box that the new curriculum came in.
Kaitlyn loved her brothers pushing her around the house and didn't like it when they
wanted a turn in the box.
On our anniversary the kids brought us breakfast in bed.
These next pictures are from pageant week, where Nathan and the kids participated in The Promised Land. They practiced all day for a week and performed on Friday and Saturday nights.
On the left, Raisin Bran with peanut butter for Nathan. On the right, Wheat Chex for me. In the middle, scrambled eggs and biscuits from scratch. In the cups was butter and honey for the biscuits. We also had glasses of juice. It was a great breakfast. The best part was that the kids ate in the dining room and by the time we came to put our dishes in the kitchen there was no trace that they had ever eaten.
These next pictures are from pageant week, where Nathan and the kids participated in The Promised Land. They practiced all day for a week and performed on Friday and Saturday nights.
Spencer jumping in the pool during free time.
A rainbow over the amphitheater
Enjoying ice cream cones before Friday' performance.
The 2011 Cast
Madalyn, Alexis, Kylie, Spencer in their colonial costumes. I never got a picture of them in their pioneer costumes this year.
After using my sister's 27 year-old flute for a year, we got Madalyn a new, intermediate flute.
I spent all last summer listening to the kids beg to go to someone's pool. Since there are no city pools here, I decided I wasn't going to go through the begging again, especially since we don't have a car most days this year, so I bought a pool for our backyard. The kids have loved it. They're really good at taking care of it also.
Nathan's sister and her husband came to visit for two non-consecutive weeks in June. We had a fun musical performance one night with the kids playing violins and flute. Sara sang and Morgan played his accordian. It was really fun.
Sara playing a game with Kaitlyn and Thomas. They were so great to play games all day with my kids, whereas I laid on the couch and watched.
Your kids are amazing. Can I borrow them for our next anniversary? I am so impressed with your home schooling. That is a big job but also seems so rewarding.
By the way, we really, really enjoyed visiting. Thank you so much for letting us stay for so long!
The amphitheater and Bath aren't like what I thought. I pictured it with more trees and more rustic. That's a fun experience, except when you don't feel good or have toddlers to chase around in the sun! Can't wait to see you.
There's another blog called "Holladay Happenings", have you seen it?
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