Week by week

Week by week

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Week ending 6-24-18

We had a pretty good week. Kylie and Madalyn were at Young Musician's camp at BYU all week (still awaiting their return to us--maybe Tuesday). Kaitlyn had activity day girls camp 2 days. Spencer and Alexis had youth conference 3 days. I got lots of quality time with the little kids and am ready for my big kids to come home. :)
Monday: We got an AWESOME hailstorm. It was the best thing of the whole week. I'm so glad Spencer and Alexis were still here to enjoy it with me. We missed Kylie and Madalyn though; they would have loved it too. We love bizarre weather.
This picture is when it just started hailing and the kids ran out to play in it the second it started without qualms. 
Thomas showing me the various sizes he caught. Eventually the hail got so big they started having qualms about going out. Thomas even got a bump on his head from the hail. Apparently it hurt! 

Starting to accumulate. 
Talea cheering for the storm. She knows what it means to be a Holladay. You have to love storms to be in this family. 
The kids ran all the way to the end of the street. Here Spencer leads the pack back screaming. It was so funny to watch.
Someone split a hail piece open to see how it formed. 
There were a whole bunch coming in our back door but I didn't post that picture. Kaitlyn wanted this one posted though of her "fried egg" hail. 
Accumulating on the back deck. 
And at the back door. 
It was about 68 before the storm and then dropped down to 48 degrees during the storm. It took the rest of the afternoon to climb back to 74 for the high.
The storm going away leaving behind a road of white.  

Spencer jumping on the hailstones on the tramp. 

It also left our driveway and the streets a mess of leaves. Reminds us of our hurricane days where leaves are falling in the summer.  

Tuesday: I took the kids to the school lunch and then the park where we played on the playground and floated sticks in the irrigation canal, enjoying the 70 degree day. 

Tuesday night I got to meet Ruth Renlund! She came to speak to a small group of LDS medical wives. It was awesome! Spencer and Alexis were so good to babysit everyone so that I could go sans enfants and soak it all in. 

Wednesday Kaitlyn went to Activity Day camp. She was super excited to have a camp to go to like her older siblings and loved every minute of it. Makenna missed her all day (it was from 8-3) and totally jumped on her the second Kaitlyn walked in the door. 
Thursday Kaitlyn went to the 2nd and last day of Activity Day camp, Spencer and Alexis went to youth conference at Dixie College, and Kylie and Madalyn were at music camp. So I only had 5 kids for most of the day. We went to the park and played games and read a lot of books. 

After dinner we went to the cub scout carnival. Here the kids do the cake walk. 

Tossing balls into cups. 

Ring toss  
Face painting. Samuel got a race car on his cheek. 
Redeeming their tickets for prizes. 

Friday the "oldest three" Tom, Kait, and Kenna rode their bikes to the school lunch. I stayed home with the little three and made some healthy lunchables with whole grain crackers, raw cheese, nitrate-free meat, raisins, apples, and bananas. We had a lot of fun and I was glad for some extra time with the little kids, although by the end of the day I was wiped out. :)

A picture I took for my sister to show her the bruise Talea got from falling down the stairs. Babies heal so quick though. The next day it was almost gone. 

Saturday: We went to BYU to see Kylie and Madalyn's concerts. In between them we ate snacks and chatted outside the HFAC. This duck soon came along and joined our party.