Week by week

Week by week

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The Christmas Tree

PICKING OUT THE TREE! Even though we have cut your own farms close by, we heard the trees brought lovely spiders into your home and that Lowes was better. So on Nathan's first day off in 16 days, off we went to Lowes. The kids proclaimed the very first tree perfect and then grabbed branches off the ground and marched around the lot waving them above their heads, having a parade. So Nathan and I were on our own and enjoyed picking out the "perfect" tree. December 10.
We're new at the tree business since we usually go home for Christmas and don't get a tree, but I was impressed that Lowes trims the trunk and branches for you and wraps it up. Here Madalyn shows how easy it is for her to carry it.

DECORATING THE TREE. It was a great day. We went in the morning so that we had all day to decorate and enjoyed eating cinnamon rolls hot out of the oven while we listened to Christmas music and decorated.

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