Week by week

Week by week

Monday, August 24, 2015

Week ending 8-23-15

Here are this week's pictures. Nothing special, just some random photos.
Samuel is the easiest kid to put to bed. When I tell him it's naptime he runs and collects some cars, then goes to his crib and puts his arms up, waiting to be lifted in. If he only has 1 or 2 cars he throws them in and climbs in his crib himself. Then he lays down on his pillow, grinning and kicking his legs while I put his blanket on. He's so cute. I'm grateful for an easy-going boy.

 I'm guessing Spencer took these cloud pictures.

 Much cuter in person than the pictures turned out, here are Makenna and Samuel riding my bike like a horse. They were singing and having a great time together.

 Nathan must have taken these of Sam putting raspberries on his fingers.

 As well as these of the girls playing Legos.

Today Kylie got her patriarchal blessing! It was so neat. She is a special daughter of God and we're so blessed to have her as our oldest daughter. 

 Her face is a little blotchy from crying throughout it, but I still think she looks beautiful in this picture.
38 weeks

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