Week by week

Week by week

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Last Day of School!!!

We had our last day of school on Wednesday, May 13. In North Carolina you have to homeschool 180 days. We had planned it all out so that we could have 3 weeks off when the baby was born, but since that was no longer necessary, we decided just to finish early. We have travel plans the next two weeks, so I thought it would be great to finish before then so that we didn't get back and only have a week left.

We decided we wanted a really fun party this year. We wanted to do like an Open House that the public schools do. We'd have refreshments and have all our best work from this year on little piles on the couch. When Daddy came home, the party would begin!

Going through all of our papers from this year and choosing some from each subject to put in our portfolio of great work.

Eating dinner at our "Last day of school party."

The food: chocolate haystacks, strawberry cheesecake minis, 7 layer dip, pizza bites

Daddy looking through Kylie's porfolio.

Madalyn showing Daddy her great works.

Welcome summer vacation!!!


Sally said...

That is so cute!! And so sweet that Nathan looks so intent, going through their work. Kylie even looks a little nervous/excited ;) So fun! And congrats on finishing the year! Where are y'all off to??

Julie said...

Woohoo! Bring on summer.

I like your end of the year open house idea. I may have to copy you!

Bill Gates II said...

How lucky are you to be done. We still have three weeks of school. I can't wait for school to be over. It looks like you guys had a great party. Have a wonderful summer!

Susan said...

What a fun idea and a great way to end the school year! You must be so proud of all your kids' hard work!

cheryl said...

I love it! I wish I could come and attend. I never ended a school year as fun as you.